What Is the Average Family Size in Austin Tx

Austin Demographics

Population - Employment - Households - Income / Financial - Housing - Education - Marital Condition - Means of Transport to Work - Median Income by Zipcode

What is the population of Austin?


In that location are 950,807 residents in Austin, with a median age of 33.3. Of this, fifty.76% are males and 49.24% are females. US-born citizens brand up 79.44% of the resident pool in Austin, while not-United states-born citizens account for eight.02%. Additionally, 12.55% of the population is represented by non-citizens.
A total of 742,021 people in Austin currently alive in the same house every bit they did concluding year.

Y-o-Y Change
Total Population 950,807 i.6%
Male Population 482,605 1.8%
Female person Population 468,202 1.5%

Male Population fifty.76 %

Female Population 49.24 %

Y-o-Y Alter
Median Historic period 33.3 0.9%
Citizen US Born 755,288 1.4%
Citizen not US Born 76,214 iii.five%
Not Citizen 119,305 i.ix%

Citizen Usa Born 79.44 %

Citizen not US Born 8.02 %

Not Denizen 12.55 %

Y-o-Y Alter
Moved from Abroad x,760 6.1%
Moved from Same Country 113,612 ane.ix%
Moved from Same Country 41,511 -ii.vii%
Moved from Unlike Land 30,983 -0.eight%
Same House as Final Year 742,021 i.9%

Moved from Abroad i.15 %

Moved from Same State 12.1 %

Moved from Same State four.42 %

Moved from Unlike State 3.3 %

Same House as Terminal Year 79.03 %

What are the employment statistics in Austin?


White-collar workers make up 85.72% of the working population in Austin, while blue-collar employees account for 14.28%. There are also lx,836 entrepreneurs in Austin (eleven.04% of the workforce); 374,798 workers employed in private companies (68.03%); and 79,507 people working in governmental institutions (14.43%).

Y-o-Y Change
White Collar 472,210 iii.v%
Bluish Collar 78,693 0.1%

White Neckband 85.72 %

Bluish Collar fourteen.28 %

Y-o-Y Alter
Cocky Employees threescore,836 5.iv%
Private Companies 374,798 3.5%
Governmental Workers 79,507 3.2%
Not for Profit Companies 35,762 -5.two%

Self Employees eleven.04 %

Private Companies 68.03 %

Governmental Workers 14.43 %

Non for Profit Companies 6.49 %

How many households are there in Austin?


There are a total of 380,392 households in Austin, each fabricated up of effectually two members. Family establishments represent 51.97% of these Austin households, while non-family units account for the remaining 48.03%. Additionally, 27.01% of households have children and 72.99% of households are without children.

Y-o-Y Alter
Total Households 380,392 2.8%
Average People Per Household 2 -1.2%
Family Households 197,674 2.8%
Non-family Households 182,718 2.8%

Family Households 51.97 %

Non-family Households 48.03 %

Y-o-Y Change
Households with Children 102,757 1.9%
Households without Children 277,635 3.1%

Households with Children 27.01 %

Households without Children 72.99 %

What are the median and average incomes in Austin?


The average annual household income in Austin is $102,876, while the median household income sits at $71,576 per year. Residents aged 25 to 44 earn $74,466, while those between 45 and 64 years old have a median wage of $82,467. In contrast, people younger than 25 and those older than 65 earn less, at $30,932 and $58,454, respectively.

Y-o-Y Modify
Boilerplate Household Income $102,876 v.vii%
Median Household Income $71,576 6.ane%
People beneath Poverty Level 120,879 -vii.ane%
People in a higher place Poverty Level 796,509 3.0%

How many homeowners and renters are there in Austin?


There are 415,006 housing units in Austin, and the median year in which these properties were built is 1988. Of the 380,392 occupied housing units in Austin, 45.xiii% are possessor-occupied, while 54.87% accept renters living in them.
Meanwhile, properties bought with mortgages account for 68.26% of the units, and the median value of a home with a mortgage is $339,600. In general, housing costs reach $i,397 per month in Austin.

Y-o-Y Change
Housing Units 415,006 two.7%
Median Year Built 1988 0.1%
Built in 1939 or Earlier 11,533 -0.6%
Congenital between 1940 and 1949 10,647 0.9%
Built betwixt 1950 and 1959 20,225 -2.9%
Congenital betwixt 1960 and 1969 31,611 -0.v%
Built between 1970 and 1979 65,907 -2.ane%
Built between 1980 and 1989 81,206 -0.nine%
Built between 1990 and 1999 65,289 2.ii%
Built between 2000 and 2009 75,288 -0.2%
Built in 2010 or Later 53,300 30.2%
Y-o-Y Change
Occupied Housing Units 380,392 2.8%
Owner Occupied 171,685 ii.7%
Renter Occupied 208,707 2.9%

Owner Occupied 45.13 %

Renter Occupied 54.87 %

Y-o-Y Modify
With Mortgage 117,186 2.two%
Without Mortgage 54,499 3.7%
Median Value with Mortgage $339,600 7.iii%
Median Value without Mortgage $332,000 9.ix%
Median Housing Costs per Month $1,397 4.iii%

With Mortgage 68.26 %

Without Mortgage 31.74 %

What is the level of educational activity in Austin?


Approximately 21.54% of the population in Austin holds a high schoolhouse degree (that's 163,127 residents), while 20.71% have attained a college certificate (145,262 locals) and xxx.29% have a bachelor's degree (229,380 people).

Y-o-Y Alter
No Loftier School xl,416 1.one%
Some High School 163,127 -0.6%
Some College 145,262 -0.one%
Associate Caste 38,703 5.3%
Bachelor'south Caste 229,380 v.4%
Graduate Degree 128,770 four.8%

No High Schoolhouse v.34 %

Some Loftier School 21.54 %

Some College 20.71 %

Acquaintance Degree 5.11 %

Bachelor's Caste 30.29 %

Graduate Degree 17.01 %

What is the marital status of Austin residents?


A total of 339,247 people in Austin have never been married (which represents 43.24% of the full population), while 334,477 of them are wedded (42.63%). Separated and divorced residents are in smaller numbers, at thirteen,212 (1.68%) and 86,243 (10.99%), respectively.

Y-o-Y Change
Never Married 339,247 1.5%
Married 334,477 2.viii%
Separated 13,212 -ane.6%
Widowed 24,687 three.ix%
Divorced 86,243 1.7%

Never Married 43.24 %

Married 42.63 %

Separated i.68 %

Widowed 3.15 %

Divorced 10.99 %

What are the most common means of transportation in Austin?


The top three ways of transportation people in Austin use to become to work are: car, bus or trolleybus and walking. A full of 449,916 residents commute by automobile, 17,494 prefer going to work by bus or trolley bus and 13,083 past walking.

Y-o-Y Change
Auto 449,916 2.six%
Bus or Trolley bus 17,494 -5.0%
Subway or Elevated 656 N/A
Railroad 182 -75.0%
Ferryboat 100 17.vii%
Cycle 6,979 -1.eight%
Motorcycle 1,656 -7.i%
TaxiCab 1,291 53.3%
Walk 13,083 4.7%

Methodology & Disclaimers

Demographic data shown in this section was gathered from the latest U.S. Demography Agency release, the 2019 American Customs Survey. The information is updated yearly, as soon as new information is made available by the US Census Bureau.
No representation, guarantee or warranty is made equally to the accuracy or completeness of information modified or aggregated for specific neighborhoods and/or null codes.

Zip codes included in this demographic data: 78701 78702 78703 78704 78705 78712 78717 78719 78721 78722 78723 78724 78725 78726 78727 78728 78729 78730 78731 78732 78733 78734 78735 78736 78737 78738 78739 78741 78742 78744 78745 78746 78747 78748 78749 78750 78751 78752 78753 78754 78756 78757 78758 78759 View More than View Less

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Source: https://www.point2homes.com/US/Neighborhood/TX/Austin-Demographics.html

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